5 Efficient ways to plan your work

Have you appointed your new goal? Is your deadline getting closer? We have some clues for you to improve your working schedule.

Begin with dividing your work into stages.

Very often while working on a big project we rush to the finish line, but trying to achieve everything at once is very misleading. Consider dividing your work into smaller segments – this way you can easily focus on your tasks. Chaos decreases efficiency, so organizing your path of action will be very helpful. If you share duties with your co-workers, think about the division of labour and try to schedule everything with helpful apps or websites, e.g. Dapulse, or GoogleDocs.

Consider your work environment and personal condition.

As written above, simplicity and order will make your job easier. That’s why functionality of your workspace is very important – try to keep it organized and easily manageable. It will increase your productivity – everything is at hand and nothing can disturb your flow. It is also crucial to take care of your physical and mental condition, you work better while rested and motivated.


Prepare yourself!

If your task requires specialist data and consultations, try to prepare everything you need. This way you can avoid searching information at the last moment and focus on the core of the assignment. If it is impossible for you to prepare everything beforehand, find out the best and the most legible data sources.

Find out new ways to be more efficient.

It is obnoxious to repeat the same activities over and over again. Search for new ways of combining them through new available tools. Use new systems and technologies to your advantage – there are many ergonomic solutions for everyone. If you are in charge of communication with clients and business relationships, CRM platform like InStream could help you plan and achieve your goals. Different branches have other new and interesting options.

Try to stay focused.

Maintaining your concentration while working is quite difficult, especially when there are so many temptations, like social media. There is a way to deal with this problem – many new applications are designed to help you focus on your work. If you try to overcome your need to check Facebook, you can try SelfControl app, which blocks chosen websites for a certain amount of time. If you get easily bored with repeatable activities, find out how the IFTTT bot helps with dealing with them. And finally, when the issue is connected to spending too much time on the computer, there are a few options to keep you in a good shape and mood – there are apps that generate ambient music or change the screen’s colour with passing time. There are many different apps and you can easily find something for yourself.

All of these tips can help you plan and organize your work. Your efficiency will increase, and you will be able to fulfil your tasks more pleasantly and easily.

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